The second behind

When the astronaut returned to Earth,
he was told he had not lived as long
as those he had left behind on the planet,
but gained one whole second in time
that the others had used up.
He soon found out it was true;
wherever he went,
elevator doors would already close
before he had stepped out,
and his wife said goodbye
before he had a chance to say hello.

(I wrote this yesterday when I learnt about Alden Nowlan, a Canadian poet. I read 2 of his poems and then I wanted to try if I could do something that looked – from a very far and humble distance – a tiny bit like what he did. I don’t think I quite got it, and of course I can’t copy his style exactly nor do I want to do so. I still hope the poem is ok. πŸ™‚ And Nowlan is really worth checking out! I am still having this cold/bronchitis/ whatever it is but in between coughing I am not that bad really. Taking things slowly. I do want to go outdoors! πŸ™‚ )

Comments on: "The second behind" (17)

  1. Hi Ina, this made me smile. Im just pleased youre feeling better enough to post a poem. I havent researched Alden Nowlan as yet; David mentioned his work to me a while ago so I will check him out. Keep on getting better! L&H xx ❀

    • Hi Christine, well I am up and such and working even πŸ™‚ And as soon the coughing is over, I shall go walking again. (Can’t see me doing it right now ) Yes, Alden Nowlan had a nice way of making poetry so that is good for inspiration! I wish I could be at that workshop Saturday but I can pretend lol πŸ™‚ ❀ L&H xx

  2. Lol! Yes you can pretend! Im still not recovered from the bug or whatever it is I have had but Im getting there and hope to go to the writing group on Friday. I missed last week, but I emailed the piece we were asked to try at home so still felt part of it. Here’s to our good health!!! Lol ❀

  3. I think you have done a very good job Ina in capturing something of the essence of Alden Nowlan’s poetry.
    There is an innocence about his work which appeals to me and also a gentle sense of humour.

    I may set some writing exercises on Saturday. If I do I will let you know.

    Be gentle on yourself as you recover.

    Much love

    • Hi David, thank you very well also for telling me about Nowlan. He is very good I think but I only read 2 poems sofar. I shall look forward to the exercises πŸ™‚ Thank you, I shall recover gently πŸ™‚ Much Love (And I shall listen tonight!)

  4. Take great care of yourself Ina…stay ahead of the bug by one second..your poem made me smile…

  5. When I saw the title of this poem I thought it might refer to the duplication of an anatomical feature, but now I see it was an experimental exercise…good show! Glad you are mending, Ina…can spring be far away?

    • Hi Cynthia, lol, like 2 bums πŸ™‚ Thank you! I am mending surely. And this morning the weather is Spring like πŸ™‚

  6. That’s fun Ina!

  7. [last line – ‘chance’, I think. πŸ™‚ ]

    Ina, I like this poem very much. And thank you for your comment about ‘Da Trow i’ da Waa’


  8. This poem actually reminds me of what it feels like when I don’t get enough sleep…I feel like I’m a step behind what’s happening around me…Just what popped into my head πŸ™‚

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