Posts tagged ‘music’

you closed your eyes I caressed you


 you closed your eyes I caressed you

 with this music not mine

 this song not yours

the music

 sung by this voice

you closed your eyes I caressed you

 and all thoughts that  came

with all that we felt

 with this music not mine

 all then was ours

 together we were

 you closed your eyes I caressed you

 not just you not just me

in silence we bonded

with this music not mine

our tears were the same

when she sang

you closed your eyes I caressed you

with this music not yours and not mine


closing your eyes, I caressed you

with this music not mine

this song not yours

we heard this voice

and all thoughts that  came

all we felt

all was ours

not just mine

not yours

in silence we bonded

our tears

were the same


music video’s from you tube

entry for jingle Potluck