Sisyphus knick knacks

The knick knacks we carry
or push throughout the years
like dung beetles do with shit,
treasures without weight
a delight to hold and cherish.

From country to home,
from house to house,
from relationship to relationship
more and more
they become one heavy burden in time.

Good times kept in little souvenirs,
mementoes, each and every one of them
light and trivial, a smile on a beach,
a hand in hand, a kiss, a hand on a shoulder,
a note that says I love you, swan feathers.

A note that says goodbye, stones,
shells from foreign tide lines.
We push it all up and up the hill
and it always rolls
back down and down, crashing us gently to pieces.

Comments on: "Sisyphus knick knacks" (8)

  1. oh, I love this

  2. Yes Ina “crashing us gently to pieces.” My house shelves full of memories. Knick knacks from relatives long gone, gifts of beaches around the world, offerings of lovers…one day our children will need to interpret our collections…will they understand the power of our objects and continue the collection of our stories…or will it all go into the Salvation Army bin? I guess we just have to let it go, can’t take it with us…

    • The material stuff and the immaterial πŸ™‚ but the latter we shall take with us in the grave. πŸ™‚

  3. Favulous Ina! Sorry if Im behind commenting, Janette’s been very poorly with a chest infection and also mastitis and we have been helping (still are) with the children. L&H xx

    • Thank you Christine! I am always very happy with your comments, you know that, and no apologies are necessary of course πŸ™‚ Take good care of your daughter and yourself! L&H xxx

  4. This says it so perfectly. I’ve certainly stored my fair share of shit but the weightless treasure of memories recalled in looking at certain items makes it seem worth it. I’ll really need to have a clear out. Except I’ll think to throw and then recall and return the little tokens. It’s mainly paper with me, letters and cards from many years and oddments that mean anything only to me. A bizarre sort of habit that so many of us embrace while I have a sister who clears everything out. I daren’t ask her to help me! πŸ˜‰ x

    • Letters should be kept! πŸ™‚ I also keep stuff that no one would understand: things some dear one touched or wrote, stones and shells, feathers. I try not to hold on to silly stuff but most of them are tiny anyway πŸ™‚ x

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